2.) CLEAN: This tip is accurate for any room or space you are in. When your environment is clean, so is your mind to be creative and productive. If you have trash, old newspapers, and 100 magazine subscriptions cluttering your desk, clean it up!
4.) ORGANIZE: Now that you’ve successfully done the first few tips, it’s time to organize your remaining space. Divide your room into zones. 1 – Storage: Items that can go in a closet, such as office supplies, and rarely used reference materials. 2 – Desk Items: Only the bare necessities, pens/pencils, computer, stapler and tape. Everything else needs a home inside of a desk drawer to prevent a cluttered desk. 3 – Display: For books, and magazines use organizers that go on a bookshelf. These organizers can group them together, and be reached in a moment. A few pictures and mementos can be used to personalize your space.
Your home office should be as comfortable as your living room. Productivity can be achieved when you are relaxed, organized, and want to stay in the space. Doing office work isn’t always enjoyable, but you can at least make your office enjoyable, right?